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About Stan


Stan’s job and joy focus on facilitating high quality collaborative decisions through designing positive processes for helping diverse groups make creative mutually beneficial choices.


Stan has worked with domestic and international projects include private sector organizational change, community decision-making and private/public cooperation.  His organizational change and community development work has primarily focused on developing more collaborative cultures and enhancing the communication skills necessary for making collaborations effective. His philosophy  follows the sentiment of Raymond Williams: "To be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair convincing."


Career-wise, he is President of Interaction Design for Innovation and also Professor Emeritus and a President’s Teaching Scholar at the University of Colorado, Boulder. While active at UCB, he was the Director of the Center for the Study of Conflict, Collaboration and Creative Governance and the Peace and Conflict Studies Program.


He is author/co-author of over 150 published essays on organizations, decision making and change, and several books including Leading Organizations through Transitions, Doing Critical Management Research, Managing Interpersonal Communication, Transforming Communication-Transforming Business, and Democracy in an Age of Corporate Colonization. He was a Senior Fulbright Scholar and is a National Communication Association Distinguished Scholar and an International Communication Association Past-President and Fellow. Over the years he has lectured and worked in over 25 countries and has held visiting faculty appointments in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil as well as at several universities in the United States.


Stan lives in Boulder, Colorado, doing all things Boulder—biking, hiking, yoga—when he is not traveling.  He serves on the City of Boulder Human Relations Commission working with human rights, inclusivity, social justice and homelessness.  He has three grown loving and successful children.


For further information or copies of his work, please contact him directly at

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Generative Democracy Theory and Practice

Communication and Collaborative Decision Making

Critical Organizational Studies


Ohio University

Ph.D. Interdisciplinary/Communication

Ohio University

M.A. Interdisciplinary/Communication

Manchester University

B.S. (with Distinction) Economics and Speech and Drama

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