Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado at Boulder
President, Interaction Design for Innovation, LLC
In his professional practice Deetz is President of Interaction Design for Innovation, LLC and works internationally with projects realizing the potential in collaborative decision making processes. Projects include private sector organizational change, community decision making and private/public cooperation. The organizational change and community development work has primarily focused on developing more collaborative cultures and enhancing the communication skills necessary for making collaborations effective.
He believes that good collaborative processes can increase creativity impacting on new product and social choice development, provide for greater efficiency and effectiveness in personal, community and organizational goal accomplishment, create higher levels of mutual commitment, and enhance greater customization to local needs and circumstances. This requires good interaction designs. Especially in times of conflict and where new answers are needed, people need skills in having the right conversation, with the right people, about the right things, at the right time, in the right way. This rarely happens today. These are the hard "soft" skills that really make a difference.
As an internationally recognized leader, he has consulted with and led change programs in several major corporations. These have included focusing on organizational capacity for systemic thinking and using soft system methodologies for organization analysis and change.
He has also worked with communities and stakeholder projects using inclusiveness and diversity to make decisions that are more profitable, socially responsible and ecologically sustainable​

Contact sdeetz@sbcglobal.net for a copy of any of his publications.